Research Project
Project specification:
- Overview: a project that discovers or
leverages interesting relationships within a significant amount of data. Best
if the project leverages what we have learned in class.
- Some project ideas (these serve merely as ideas.
They should by no means restrict your imagination)
- Statistical Computing (Speed up traditional statistical
methods, such as correlation computation).
- Data Mining in Business Applications (Customer
Segmentation, Accounting, Marketing)
- Literature Survey
- Data Mining in Spatio-temporal Data
- Deliverables:
- Project proposal (1-2 paragraph description of
your project) due on Oct 25. You should
include your project title and delineate your
- project idea
- data source
- key algorithms/technology, and
- what you expect to submit at the end of the quarter.
- Final project writeup (10 - 20 pages) due
Nov 29. This is a comprehensive
description of your project. You should include the following:
- project idea
- your specific implementation
- key results
- what worked, what did not work, what surprised you, and
- Final presentation In the last day of class, each student presents their project to the rest of the class.
The presentation should last no more than 15 minutes. 3 minutes will
be allotted for questions.