Project specification:
- Overview: Literature survey/practice of new IT technologies
and their impact on business
- Some project ideas (these serve merely as ideas.
They should by no means restrict your imagination)
- Web 2.0 for business
- Office 2.0
- Enterprise 2.0 for business
- Library 2.0
- Wikipedia
- Web Crawler
- Deep Web
- Social Computing
- Semantic Web
- New Trends in Search Engines
- Web Operating System
- Internet2
- Data Mining and E-Commerce
- RFID Business Cases
- Marketing Geography
- Multimedia Technology in Business
- Mobile Internet
- Deliverables:
- Project proposal (1-2 paragraph description of
your project) due on October 6. You should
include your project title and delineate your
- Group members (three students)
- project idea
- data source
- key algorithms/technology, and
- what you expect to submit at the end of the semester.
- Final project writeup (10 - 20 pages) due
on December 8. This is a comprehensive
description of your project. You should include the following:
- project idea
- key results
- what worked, what did not work, what surprised you, and
- Final presentation In the class (December
1), each group presents their project to the rest
of the class. The presentation should last no more than 10 minutes. 2 minutes will
be allotted for questions.